Tonpho Thai
Massage Center


tonpho massage

Thai Traditional Hlang

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Emotional Postural Re-balancing ritual with Energetic and deep pressures, cadenced by a slow and measured rhythm, carried out mainly with the thumbs and palms of the hands as well as with the help of other parts o f the body (feet, elbows, knees), interspersed with stretching and twisting manners typical of the Yoga tradition create an effect of flexibility and fluidity of the body. The constant and deep rhythm of the pressures calms the mind and creates a state of deep relaxation and lightness, almost a hypnotic effect. A synergy of oils is applied specifically on the back : Eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, excellent local analgesics and decontracting agents ;
juniper, copaiba and thyme that tone and strengthen tired muscles, promoti ng their relaxation; and finally sesame oil to reactivate local circulation and promote the drainage of toxic substances blocked in the muscles and joints. This Ritual results in General Muscle relaxation and locally of the lumbar spine and production of algogenic substances (endorphins) by the body. The techniques of treatment lead to a greater balance and harmony between mind and body.


Thai Traditional “Hlang” 1hr / 60€ 1,5hr / 80€

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Thai Aroma Oil

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Taking advantage of the properties of the oil, in Thai Oil AROMA Massage, a series of vigorously delicate and gentle slips, manipulations, frictions and light traction are performed in a very precise sequence along the energy channels called Sen. The treatment provides a pleasant level of relaxation, both for the body and for the mind: it also improves blood circulation and has a soothing effect on the skin. A few drops of fragrant oily essences added to the base oil help in the treatment of numerous psycho physical problems. Client is prompted a selection of Oils to choose from. No better way to indulge yourself with you most preferred Essential Oil both for your massage and to surround you through a diffuses. For aromatherapy, it is only recommended the use of essential oils from crops organic, wild or traditional, distinct by chemo type organic, wild or traditional, distinct by chemo type.

Thai Aroma Oil : 1hr / 60€ 1,5hr / 85€ 2hr / 110€

tonpho massage

Thai Herbal with Aroma Oil

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Thai Herbal Compress combines the relaxing effect of Thai herbs with the positive effects of Thai OIL Massage AROMA. arthritis and muscle contractures can benefit significantly from targeted treatment. The herbs, wrapped in linen gauze and steamed, are rhythmically dabbed all over the body. For the treatment, a mixture of herbs, roots, camphor and menthol is used, passed through a mortar according to the ancient Thai tradition and then enclosed in gauze bags, with a typical rounded shape. The heat of the steam makes the tablets release their beneficial properties on the skin, whose progressive absorption helps to improve circulation, relax and decontract the muscles. The result is a pleasant and general feeling of psychophysical well-being. Thai Herbal Compress Massage is a treatment originating from Issan, the northeastern area of Thailand, now spread all over the world

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Thai Herbal with Aroma OIL : 1,5hr / 90€ 2hr / 120€
